Friday, January 2, 2009

How much is he making??

How is it possible in today's semi-depression that these fucking moronic professional team owners can justify paying these FAT ( Hello CC) out of shape, prima donnas in the HUNDREDS of millions!

what the F$$!!!

The pro sports world is so out of touch with what is left of the common man , woman or child at their events ,I suppose they are blind to the bullshit they conttinually perpetrate on US..
And you know what? we keep feeding the beast!

If anyone ever actually reads this shit, can you let me know if you have EVER had a real good FROZEN pizza?

and I don't mean going to NY and bringing them home from there.

Also, no fucking arugula pizza.

As Pogo said, we have met the enemy, and he is DEFINITELY us!!!

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Still crazy after all these years, 62 year old holding on to my 30's for dear life. Have a great, funny, looney , adorable wife , Lois Brand , who is a world class artist. I alwasys have a lot to say whether cogent or not.Or asked for for that matter. so follow my musings on sports, politics, food, the arts and anything else that may come in to what is left of my brain!!